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Tuesday, 21 March 2023

 Newsletter 366                                                                                                         21 March 2023 

President’s report:  A very warm welcome to all  members and guests to the Probus Club of North Sydney. 

This is my last president’s report and it has been a pleasure working with so many of you over the past 2 years,  Thank you all for helping to make the Probus philosophy of fun, friendship and fellowship a reality.  Thanks to our many members who extend the hand of friendship to visitors, new members and current members.  Thanks to the management committee for your commitment, efficiency and caring attitude for our membership.  We have functioned as a team, and you have made my time as President of our Club a most enjoyable and rewarding time.  There will be more in my annual report at the AGM, which follows today’s meeting.  If you are thinking about supporting our Club in a volunteer capacity, you would be very welcome, and the experience would be a rewarding one. 

This has been another full month of activity.  The outing to the Sydney Modern Art Gallery was well patronised, movies were once again a feature, and the Warriewood Wetland walk threatened to be wet, but was thoroughly enjoyed by 14 troopers.  We saw a red-bellied black snake, lots of bird life, a lovely waterfall and lots more.  This was Oriel’s last walk as our official Walks Coordinator.  She has organised and led walks most months of the year since 2009. 13  years!  Thank you Oriel! 

Our 40th Anniversary Lunch will be held on the 18th April (our next meeting day), and the invitation has been emailed to members. The anniversary booklet is ready for printing and will be presented to members at the lunch. 

Murray River Cruise and Kangaroo Island Tour.  We need either 1 more person willing to share or a couple to make this a viable trip.  If you are wavering, now is the time to commit since I have to have numbers by April.  We have 10 cabins on hold for the 4 night cruise starting 2nd October 2023.  Kangaroo Island has been added to make it an eight day tour 2/10/23 to 9/10/23.  Costs:  $3235.75 per person twin share, plus $475.45 air fare, or $4217.00 per person sole occupancy plus the $475.45 air fare.  The flight cost may vary at the time of booking.  Since the bus to Kangaroo Island needs a minimum of 15 passengers for this price, the number for the tour is limited to 5 or more doubles and no more than 5 singles.  If you are interested please contact Mary Ann I  (maryann.irvin@gmail, or 0407911140). 

We always need new members to maintain the vitality of our club, so please invite those of your friends and acquaintances who may be interested in joining to come along to a meeting.  Guests are also very welcome to attend any of our activities.

Warriewood Wetlands Walk

Membership report:  Our membership stands at 57 (37 women, 20 men). 

Many happy returns of the day for your March birthday:  Kristina T 01, Jeanette F 0, Lis T 18 and Elizabeth S 30. 

Guest Speakers:  Today we welcome four of our own club members—Penny, Lindsay, Jocelyn and  Annemarie—as our guest speakers.  Next month at our 40th Anniversary luncheon we will hear ex-ambassador Richard Broinowski, and in May Ros Barnes will talk to us about Auslan sign language. 

Probus Events:  There is no 5th Tuesday in the month until May, so the movie for then won’t be announced until next month’s newsletter.  In the meantime, the Probus Impromptu Movie Goer group quietly goes on.  If you would like your name newly included in this group please add it to the list at morning tea time at today’s meeting; or if you would like to unsubscribe from the group you can do this then too.  Also, if anyone knows of anything wonderful coming on at the theatre we could go to as a group, please let me know so we could organise a group outing.  I have been keeping my eye out looking for something suitable but am just not aware of anything that would attract us.  (Peggy B:  9959 4587, or 

Probus Outing: Tuesday 28th March, A Visit to Ian S's home

Our visit to view Ian’s beautiful collection of mechanical musical instruments will start at 10am.  We will have morning tea in his garden followed by a talk about various instruments, their history and how they operate.  We will see them in operation and maybe we can sing along with the pianola as some of us did as children.  After an entertaining morning we will travel on to the nearby Blue Gum Hotel and enjoy our lunch at about 1pm.  Hoping to see you there, Noreen and Peter. 
Ian S's  Mechanical Instrument Display, 10am, 19 Waipori St., St. Ives Chase, please organise car transport.  Anyone in need of a lift can be picked up at Northbridge Golf Club at 9:15am.  Please email Peter B if you would like a lift. or contact 0403 811 642 or 0402 957 857. 
Cost of morning tea $10 cash at meeting or bank transfer Direct Debit:  Probus Bank account BSB 032, account number .  Description: Musical. 
Lunch at Blue Gum Hotel, 1pm.  55 Pacific Highway, Waitara.  Please order your lunch independently at the bistro. 
Probus Walkers:  Tuesday 11th April 2023, The Spit to Beauty Point. 

Probus Walkers: Tuesday  11th April 2023, The Spit to Beauty Point
This walk is an easy to moderate walk, with some stairs, and will take approximately 1 and 1/2 hours.  Meet at 10am at the Grumpy Wharf Café and at the completion of the walk we can travel to Spit Junction for Lunch at the Mosman Pub.  There are restaurants in the area but they are either very up market or they are licenced clubs and some of us will be in the 5 klm area. 
Tickets on sale today for next month’s Ruby Red Raffle at our 40th Anniversary Luncheon.  Cost $2 each or 3 for $5.  Cash sales only. 
Note:  All our Probus meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of every month at 10:15am.  The next meeting will be held on the 18th of April 2023 at the View Hotel, celebrating our 40th Anniversary, but the 16th May meeting will take place at the Northbridge Golf Club as usual.  Committee meetings take place at 9:15am on the same day.  Members are welcome to attend.   

Tickets on sale today for next month’s Ruby Red Raffle at our 40th Anniversary Luncheon.  Cost $2 each or 3 for $5.  Cash sales only. 

Note:  All our Probus meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of every month at 10:15am.  The next meeting will be held on the 18th of April 2023 at the View Hotel, celebrating our 40th Anniversary, but the 16th May meeting will take place at the Northbridge Golf Club as usual.  Committee meetings take place at 9:15am on the same day.  Members are welcome to attend.   

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