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Wednesday, 22 November 2023


THE PROBUS CLUB OF NORTH SYDNEY   Newsletter 374 21 November 2023


Following Susan’s recent resignation as President, the Club will write thanking her for her  service. Many members will remember the Tasmanian trip for which she was the main  organiser. It is a pity that she succumbed to work. (Can anyone remember work?) 

It was with sadness and shock that we heard of the passing of Jeanette F. She  assisted Peggy with the movie outings and participated in many of our activities. Vale Jeannette. 

At the November Committee Meeting we moved in future to hold Committee  Meetings before the General Meeting and to streamline our Meetings. The Newsletter will  be the main channel of communications. There was a motion that the November General  Meeting should confirm that I continue as President. 

My main focus will be to have more activities. For instance, if a walk is washed out we still  meet for lunch. Also the second Tuesday in January can be filled with a suitable activity  weather permitting, suggestions please. It is most important that we all stay as active as  possible for our own well being. Another project for next year is to upgrade the website. 

The recent picnic at Tunks Park was an outstanding success (though no kookaburras were  fed). I propose that we have three or four a year but on a self catering or sharing basis.  This is to cut down the work load on the organiser. I can bring the camp stove for tea and  coffee. Other Clubs can be invited as well. 

I'm always open to any suggestion for any extra Probus activity. 


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OUTINGS - report from Noreen  

At our next outing on Tuesday 28 November at 9.45 am we are meeting at The Museum  of Sydney, Corner of Bridge and Phillip Streets Sydney. This is the site of the first  Government House built for Captain Arthur Phillip in 1788. There is a cafe where you can  order your morning tea. Admission is free. 


Our Visit to the Museum is to celebrate The People’s House, the Opera House which is 50  years Old. Enjoy the details of the unique architecture through a playful LEGO® model, or  through the drawings. As well, discover posters, programmes, rare archival records, or  photographs and wonderful costumes.  

Conduct your own orchestra in Maestro, or view past performances or events of the last 50  years. 

If we arrive at 9.45 am we will be ready for the first film, The Edge of the Possible, that begins at 10.00 am. 

This film features rare footage of Jørn Utzon reflecting on his role in the beginning and the  withdrawal from the building of the Opera House. 


Please visit The People’s House: Sydney Opera House at 50 (  

At 12.00 pm we will walk downhill to Circular Quay and have lunch at City Extra. There is  a wide range of food choices. Payment is at the Restaurant. 

Please indicate at the November meeting whether you are coming to both the  Museum and the lunch or just one. 

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COMMUNITY TRANSPORT EXCURSIONS - report from Douglas & Mary Ann  

We had a discussion with the bus company Community Connect, about getting a  subsidised bus for our outings. Without this subsidy the buses are far too expensive. To  go on the excursion you need to have a My Aged Care number. If you don't have a  number the bus company won't take you. 

The initial phone call takes about 20 minutes and you'll need your Medicare number. Ring My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and select the option "1" when requested.  Eventually you will be given a My Aged Care number, e.g.ACxxxxxxxx. Then request an  assessment which will take another 10 minutes of questions. That is part 1 finished. Someone will ring you back to make an assessment appointment in 2-4 weeks time. Try to  get a phone assessment rather than a house call. 

The phone interview will take about 30 minutes. They may try and get you other services,  shopping, home help etc. Emphasise that you just want it for the bus company Community  Connect. You will be given a Referral Code number. The person in Probus who organises  Outings will need to keep a copy of your name, MAC number and Referral Code number. My Aged Care keeps all the information you gave and if in the future you require other  services they have all this basic information. 

It is quite a drawn out process and if anyone needs any help just contact us and we'll do  our best to help as we have been through it all. 

Looking forward to great excursions in 2024. 

WALKS - report from Lindsay  

Eleven of us turned up for our Tamarama to Bondi Walk. It was a beautiful day, not too  hot. Unfortunately, the sculptures were all gone, which made it a very short walk, only  about 30 minutes. Those walking were Carole, Jocelyn, Oriel, Deon, Joan, Mary Ann and  Douglas, Lis T, Peter B and Ivan B plus guest Theresa, Deon's friend. Peggy and Penny joined us for lunch at The Bondi Icebergs. We arrived there early and  had a great lunch. Afterwards some of us looked at the Head On Photo Festival exhibition  on the promenade. 

SPEAKERS - report from Patrick  

For the November talk Geoff Pritchard will be speaking about the infamous ‘Petrov  Affair’. 

MEMBERSHIP - report from Ivan  

Membership stands at 54 (34 women and 24 men) 


Lyn M 1 November, Kenn C 17 November, Robin S 14 November,  Marie A 15 November, Mary Ann I 21 November. 

Lindsay K14 December, Bill Cr 19 December, Peter W27 December,  Deon C 31 December. 

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EVENTS - report from Peggy  

The next 5th Tuesday will be on Tuesday 30 January. Unfortunately there seems to be a  real lack of decent movies coming through the system at present I think caused mainly by  the Hollywood writers and actors strike having blocked filmmaking for quite a few months  now. I believe it is on the point of settling but could take a while to see good new movies  available for us. In the meantime if anyone sees anything that they think would be suitable  for us please let me know and we can send out an email and make an impromptu outing. A  small group of us went to see an art documentary on Gustav Klimt on a recent Sunday and  afterwards we went on to the Dumpling House nearby and shared a very pleasant lunch.  Little outings like that can just be lovely. 

Peggy B Ph 0449 589 552 (Please note new number) 


Tuesday 28 November 9.45 am Museum of Sydney, then lunch at  City Extra, 12 noon. 

Tuesday 5 December Kent Memorial Walk 10:15 Circular Quay Wharf 4 for ferry to Cremorne (10:27)

Tuesday 12 December Christmas party 12 noon, Kirribilli Club 

Tuesday 9 January, 2024 (second Tuesday), summer activity to replace  walk - to be advised 

Tuesday 16 January, 2024 (third Tuesday) 9.00 am, Committee meeting Tuesday 16 January, 2024 (third Tuesday) 10.15 am,

Probus outing Tuesday 23 January, 2024 (fourth Tuesday) - to be advised

Tuesday 30 January film - to be advised

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