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Tuesday, 28 January 2025


Newsletter 386 21 January, 2025 


The very best for 2025. It will be an interesting year. 

The most important task is to have nominations for Secretary, Vice President and Web  Master. In recent years a Club much larger than ours folded because of the lack of a  Committee. 

Over the recent month a few Members have tested positive to COVID so it is still around.  The best protection is to be fully vaccinated. At this stage that means a six monthly shot.  Has anyone had more than eight shots? You can easily see on the MyGov site your  vaccination records. Handy to easily check on say, your current tetanus vaccination status  as well. 

Lis and I have looked at various Probus Club websites and picked the best features for us  using the Probus South Pacific template. We'll set up some dummy layouts and as Members to suggest improvements. We want it to be welcoming and easy to find th information visitors and Members are looking for. If you would like to assist please email  me directly. No expertise on web design is required. We just need to know how it looks to  visitors and Members. Hopefully the new website can start in April. 

There are four 5th Tuesdays this year. I'm suggesting that the 30th of September be a  picnic with one of the smaller local Clubs invited. 

An invitation has circulated to a St Patrick's Day dinner on the 15th of March organised by  Waverton Probus. So bring out the inner Irishman in you. 

Last year the Xmas in July was very  

successful but the venue will not be  

available this year. Would Members scout  

around for another venue. OnCourse  

Tours run one to Abercrombie House at  

Bathurst on July 28 which looks good. 

I wish everyone the very best for the rest  

of 2025. 

 End of year Christmas cheer  

MEMBERSHIP - report from Lynn 

54 members: 38 female and 19 male. 


Carole E 10 January, Barrie G 

11 January, Judy McD 12 January,  

Penny W26 January. 


If members are aware of another member  

who is not well or who would like to speak  

to someone for welfare support, please call Jackie M on 0412 836 997

SPEAKERS - report from Patrick 

Our speaker this month is Rainer Kurtz on the subject of ‘Esperanto the International  Language’. 

In February, Martin Orchard will talk on ‘Westminster Abbey’, where he was a chorister  for several years. 

TRAVEL - report from Mary Ann 

The Cook Islands Tour will be from 6-18 August. I have asked OnCourse to set aside  15 places for us. Further Details including includes costs and itinerary will be provided at  the meeting. 

OUTINGS - Carole and Jocelyn 

1. Our next outing on Tuesday 4 February will be a tour of the Queen Victoria Building  (QVB)

The tour commences at 12 noon sharp and departs from the Concierge’s Desk on the  Ground Floor in the middle of the arcade.. The tour costs $25 per person and lasts 45  minutes. Payment for the tour should be made into the Probus bank account

We will meet for coffee from 11.15 am onwards at the Manon Brasserie on the ground  floor at the Town Hall end of the QVB just near the Queen Victoria Statue  Those wh wish to have lunch after the tour will find many coffee shops and restaurants in the vicinity It has proved impossible to find a lunch spot willing to take all of u 

If you wish to participate in this outing please contact Jocelyn Millett no later than 17 January. 

2. The March Outing will be by bus to  

the Western Sydney International (WSI)  

Experience Centre in Luddenham. 

We will embark on a journey of discovery at  

the WSI Experience Centre - a community  

engagement and education hub designed to  

showcase the exciting developments and  

endless possibilities of Western Sydney  

International Airport. 

Immersive and interactive displays will take us  

on a journey to learn about Western Sydney  

International Airport. Our visitors have access  

to project information, digital engagement and learning opportunities. Located at  Luddenham, with the stunning backdrop of the airport site, visitors will have a clear view of  the future airfield and be able to watch the airport come to lif 

When: 4 March 2025 

Where: Meet at Northbridge Golf Club to leave by Stryder bus at 9am. Morning tea will  be along the way with arrangements still to be decided. 

Our visit to the WSI has been booked from 11am-12 noon

Lunch has been booked at Lunden House Cafe, 76 Willmington Rd., Luddenham for  12:30 - 1:30pm. 

Cost for the bus will be $30, either cash to Mary Ann or deposit to Probus bank account.  Mary Ann will be at the outings table to take names and money. 

WALKS - report from Lindsay 

Lunch at The Little Snail will replace a hot  

summer walk, on again this February. 

Tuesday 11 February at 12 noon at 50  

Murray St, Pyrmont. Unfortunately, we  

couldn't secure the ground floor area so w 

will be on the first floor, which is accessed 

stairs. There is no lift.  

Cost of lunch $45, please bring exact  

amount in cash. You will order and pay for  

your drinks separately. RSVP Thursday 6  


Transport: Bus or train to Town Hall. Walk  

down Market St, across the overpass to  

Pyrmont Bridge to Murray St. Turn left and it  

is the corner building. There is a 389 bus that  

departs from Stand J at Town Hall in Park St  

between Pitt and George Streets. You will get  

off at the last stop. You can also walk from  

the Pyrmont Bay ferry stop, an easy walk. 

SPECIAL EVENT - St. Patrick’s Day with  

Waverton Probus. Please contact  

Annemarie 0413 014 283 if you’d like to  

come to this and she will book tables. 

MOVIES - report from Peter 

The next movie will be Conclave on 28 January at the Orpheum - time to be advised. 

Set in the secretive Vatican meeting of Catholic Cardinals who gather in Rome to pick a  new Pope, Ralph Fiennes plays a cardinal tasked with overseeing the cardinals arriving  from across the globe to join the conclave. There is political intrigue a plenty together with  secrets kept by the old Pope. A gripping movie with lots of twists and turns. 

REMINDER - Probus Tuesday monthly schedule 

1st Tuesday outing 

2nd Tuesday walk (except for summer, February - lunch at The Little Snail) 3rd Tuesday committee meeting 9.15 am followed by general meeting 10.15 am 4th Tuesday movie 

5th Tuesday picnic 


For convenience the generally preferred method of payment is via our Probus bank  account: 

BSB 032-099 

Acc number 000255375 

Information in Description: name of the activity and your name 


Tuesday 21 January, 9.15 am Committee meeting, Northbridge Golf Club Tuesday 21 January, 10.15 am Probus meeting, Northbridge Golf Club 

Tuesday 28 January, movie Conclave, Cremorne Orpheum. Time to be advised. —————————————————————- 

Tuesday 4 February, 12 noon tour of QVB, morning tea Manon Brasserie 11.15 am.  Details p.3 

Tuesday 11 February, 12 noon lunch at The Little Snail. Details p.4 

Tuesday 18 February 9.15 committee, 10.15 general Probus meeting, Northbridge Golf  Club 

Tuesday 25 February, film to be advise 


Tuesday 4 March, 9 am bus trip to Western Sydney International airport site. Details p.3 Saturday 15 March 6.30 pm, St. Patrick’s Day dinner with Waverton Probus. Details p.4 

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