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Saturday, 18 February 2023

 Newsletter 365                                                           21 February 2023 

President’s report:  A very warm welcome to all members and guests to the Probus Club of North Sydney. 

What a wonderful month this has been.  Our outing to Pearl Beach was indeed spectacular, with fabulous weather, wonderful beach, very tasty food and, of course, fantastic company.  Thank you for your generosity and for hosting this event Noreen and Peter. 

Our traditional “Little Snail Walk” was well patronised.  The food was just as good as ever.  Thank you, Oriel.  

The 5th Tuesday movie, “Tar” had a mixed reception from the 13 members who attended.  Reactions ranged from "fabulous": to "what was that all about?

The 40th Anniversary celebration plans are evolving.  Please make a note of the following: 
Place:  LB’s Restaurant at the View Hotel, 17 Blue St., North Sydney.  It is just down the street from the train station. 
Date and Time: On 18th April at 11:30am for welcome drinks followed by a buffet lunch from 12:15pm. 
Cost:  The cost is still to be approved by the Management Committee, and I will be able to announce this at the meeting on Tuesday.  However, I am confidant that the Club will be subsidising the cost for members. 
Speaker:  Richard Broinowski AO will be our guest speaker at the luncheon.  Richard will be speaking on “Diplomacy—things one learns along the way”, discussing some high points during his 34 years as an Australian diplomat, from his first posting in post-1964 Olympic Tokyo, to his last as Ambassador to Mexico the Central American Republics and Cuba in the final years of the 20th century. 
Parking is limited and there is a charge of $25.  So we suggest either car pooling or using public transport.  We hope to have a substantial attendance.  To this end we ask that you invite family and friends to join us for this celebration.  We will send out invitations to neighbouring Probus Clubs, and to our founding Rotary Club of North Sydney. 
The anniversary booklet is having a make-over and should be ready for delivery at the lunch.  We are still wanting photos, particularly old photos of Probus activities.  If you can bring printed photos in, we will scan them and return them to you. 
Our Annual General Meeting will be held next month on the 21st.  If you are interested in nominating for a position it is not too late.  Nominations will be called from the floor but we prefer to have them beforehand.  Please let me know if you would like to be involved.  (Notice of the AGM Agenda appears on page two of the newsletter.) 
Membership report:  Our membership stands at 56 (36 women and 20 men).  

Many happy returns for your February birthday:  Norman McN  11, Noreen B 25, Brenda O 26,  and John G 29. 
Note:  All our Probus meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of every month at 10:15am.  The next meeting will be held on the 21st of February 2023.  The committee meetings are conducted in the Northbridge Golf Club at 9:00am on the same day as the

Guest speaker:  Today we welcome Richie Cotton, who will talk to us about “Creativity After 50”. 

Probus Walkers:  Tuesday 14th March 2023,  Warriewood Wetlands. 
These wetlands are recognized as one of the largest remaining stands of Swamp Forest Complex in Sydney, where Heath Leaved Paperbarks and Swamp Mahogany grow.  Also many species of birds inhabit the wetlands including whip birds, wrens, finches and green parrots.  The walk is classed as easy, although there are a few bush steps when we visit the waterfall.  Approx. 4 klms.  Return to Mosman Hotel for lunch. 
MEET: 9:15am Carrington St. Bus Stand B for the next B1 bus to Warriewood. 

Probus Outing:  Tuesday 28th February; The New Sydney Art Gallery. 
We are organising an outing to the New Sydney Art Gallery, North building on Art Gallery Road not far from the Domain Parking Station.  Maps are available at the meeting this week.  The North building is on the LHS of the old familiar South building and you will be struck by the contrast of its modern design.  Our meeting point at 10:30am is at the Hub in the front of the new North building. 
We are having a guided tour of the new building, for an hour at $34 each, so we will have a better understanding of the ideas portrayed in the different galleries. 
After the Northern tour you can wander at your leisure over to the old South Building, where you can choose to turn right into the Grand Courts Collection 1300-1900, or perhaps you would prefer to turn left onto the 20th Century Collection 1900-1960 and see a painting by Willian Dobell.  Those who wish could buy lunch at the Gallery Café on the lower first floor.  Stay for short time or as long as you like as all the exhibits are free. 
A bus leaves from York Street, Stand D, behind the QVB building, at 9:52am arriving at the Art Gallery at 10:02am.  For those who don’t mind a walk there is the Car Domain Parking Station, situated behind the Art Gallery.  If you can’t find suitable transport, please ring Noreen (0412 957 857). 
Do hope to see you there at this exciting new Gallery and Building.  Time: 10:30am, 28th February, at the Northern Building of the Art Gallery.  Cost: $34 for guided tour. 

Notice of Annual General Meeting:  The Annual General Meeting of the Probus Club of North Sydney will be held on Tuesday, March 21, at Northbridge Golf Club, Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge, following our monthly general meeting. Agenda: 

  1.  Welcome

2.    President’s report

3.    Minutes of 2022 AGM

4.    Treasurer’s report

                               Audited Financial Statement for 2022/23

                               Membership subscription for 2023/24

5.    Election of committee members

6.    Appointment of Auditor for 2023/24

7.   Induction of President for 2023

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