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Tuesday, 20 June 2023


Newsletter 369              20 June 2023


Vale Shelagh K & Richard L

It has certainly been a sad few weeks for our club. The deaths of Shelagh and Richard on the same day and the resulting funerals the following week. It was comforting to see so many of our members attending the funerals and wakes to pay their respects. We have a good, caring club and I am sure we can all recall many happy and memorable times we have shared with Shelagh and Tony and with Richard and Jenny over the years. It is a big loss for our Probus knowledge, adventures and memories. We will miss them.

Thoughts:  Often in the eulogies for friends and colleagues we hear stories and attributes about departed friends that we didn’t know before, but wish we had! It would be good if we could get to know each other better and share some stories without waiting for eulogies to enlighten us. Perhaps it is time we considered a short five minute presentation from a member or two each week at our regular meetings and see what exciting things our colleagues might like to share with us? Worth consideration? I think so. 

Attending funerals also tends to increase our focus on our own lives and remind us that we should be taking steps to ensure that as we age, our lives continue to be enjoyable and fruitful. To this end I am setting myself a couple of personal goals with the aim of being as positive as I can in all circumstances, staying as active as I can and encouraging others to do the same! I hope you will join me.

Warm Wishes,

Susan M

MEMBERSHIP: 53 active members, 34 women and 19 men.

SPEAKERS: The talk this month is on Seniors Savings Finders by Nenita Hammer from Services NSW.

The July presentation will be by Dr Joe Dunne highlighting his experiences leading a charity called Psyches on Bikes.


1. Our next outing is a conducted tour of the Australian National Maritime Museum on Tuesday 27 June, assembling at the Main Foyer Entrance at 10.30 am. Could you purchase your $16 (discounted) museum tickets as soon as you arrive, so we are ready to leave at 10.30 am. For the discount, mention that you are with our Probus group. We have suggested ferry and light-rail times to give you time to have coffee or tea beforehand. Ripples Maritime Museum café is near the Main Foyer Entrance on the wharf. 

The tour guide will commence in the museum, followed by an inspection of the Australian-built HMAS Vampire, launched in 1956. It was one of the first all-welded ships to be constructed in Australia and one of the last big-gun ships built.

Lunch will be at 1pm nearby to Ripples, with individual ordering and payment. Please leave your name at the Probus meeting, to indicate if you wish to come.

Transport to Australian National Maritime Museum

• Ferry from Circular Quay Wharf 5 to Pyrmont Bay Wharf, 9.11 am arriving 9.38 am. Or 9.42 am, arriving

10.09 am.

• Light rail from the Concourse Central to Pyrmont Bay 9.22 am, arriving at 9.33 am. Or 9.30 am, arriving at

9.41 am. Or 9.38 am arriving at 9.49 am.

2. Christmas in July, 25 July

The four course Christmas lunch begins at 12 noon at the Carrington Hotel, Katoomba. Some members are catching the train, others are driving up for a couple of days, it is your choice. More information will be available at the meeting. It would be helpful if you could indicate your preferences. The cost of the lunch is $70.00 each and we would be grateful if you can pay by direct debit to the club. We will also be collecting at the meeting, $70.00 per person in cash if you prefer to pay this way.

Happy Christmas in July everyone, from Noreen and Peter.

Arrangements for payment

Direct Debit: Probus Bank account BSB 032099 account number X. Please type Christmas as

description and advise Noreen, if your name is not obvious eg a company

account. OR Cash at the meeting on Tuesday 20 June 2023 or Tuesday 18 July 2023.


• Murray River Cruise & Kangaroo Island tour

15 people have now paid their deposit and booked flights to join this tour from 2 to 9 October. The final

payment is due to be paid by 15 July.

• Douglas will tell us about future trips which can be arranged through On Course Travel, such as

Mayfield Gardens 19-21 October, 2023 for $840.00

and Lord Howe Island next year from 24 - 30 March, 2024. This will cost about $4500.00.

Birthday wishes in June: Robyn P 06, Judy C 06, Ivan B 08, Judy M 10, Ches W 21, Louise L 27.


Our next walk will be around the Coal Loader, Waverton, on Tuesday, 11 July. We will meet at the Third Rail Café at 10.30 am next to Waverton Train station. For those of you coming by car, there is a 4 hour parking zone closer to the Coal Loader. Park there and make your way back to the café. We will walk from the café to the Coal Loader, then descend via the staircase or the lift for a walk through the tunnel. This tunnel is dimly lit and the ground is uneven, so we’ll need to walk carefully. After the tunnel and stairs back up to the top there is an easy walk on the higher level, for about an hour and a quarter. Lunch afterwards at Third Rail or Grumpy Baker back in Waverton, to be decided on the day. This is a very scenic walk with a number of lookouts where we can stop and take in the view. Hope to see you all there.

Happy walkers on the Zoo to Clifton Gardens walk, 13 June 

 and a sun-baking seal.


5th Tuesday in the month Movie Event will take place on Tuesday, 29 August so please keep that date freein your diaries, movie title to be announced in the next newsletter.

In the meantime the Probus Movie Goer Group will see a one off special evening performance of Hugh Jackman staring in the well loved Roger and Hammerstein classic movie, Oklahoma. Others are welcome to join in this outing which will be on Wednesday 19 July at 7 pm (finishes at 9.40 pm!) in the Orpheum Theatre, Military Road. Cost for a senior concession ticket is $20.00. To book please place $20.00 in an envelope with your name and Oklahoma on the outside and hand to Jeanette French at the next meeting. Diners can meet for an early supper pre-film at the Chinese Restaurant over the road from the theatre at 5.45 pm. Phone Peggy on 9959 4587 after 2 July for further information.

Ivan and Peggy rendezvous 14 June in Jersey


Outing: Tuesday 27 June (fourth Tuesday), 10.30 am Australian National Maritime Museum

Committee meeting: Tuesday 4 July (first Tuesday) 10.00 am Northbridge Golf Club

Walk: Tuesday 11 July (second Tuesday) Coal Loader. Meet 10.30 am at Third Rail Café,

Waverton Station

Monthly meeting: Tuesday 18 July (third Tuesday) 10.15 am Northbridge Golf Club

Movie Goer Group: Wednesday 19 July at 7 pm Oklahoma, Cremorne Orpheum

Outing: Tuesday 25 July (fourth Tuesday), Christmas in July, 12 noon, Carrington Hotel


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