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Saturday, 15 July 2023

THE PROBUS CLUB OF NORTH SYDNEY Newsletter 370 18 July 2023 

President Susan Myers 0406 939 170 Walks Coord. Lindsay Kennedy 0405 239 614 Past President Mary Ann Irvin 0407 Douglas Irvin 0438 166 001 Speakers Patrick Wale 9955 0853 Secretary Annemarie Rutledge 0413 014 283 Outings Noreen Byrne 0412 957 857 Treasurer Elizabeth411 137 300 Membership Ivan Blake 0400 549 596 Events Peggy Burnett 9959 4587 Newsletter An 254 009   (August & September, then Judy Crewe) 


These past weeks I had the need to be poked and prodded by several medical specialists, including a session  in an MRI machine. For those who have also had such an X-ray you will know that it is a strange experience  in a room, in a machine on your own, with noise cancelling headphones for about 15 minutes. Not really  that scary, but a wonderful opportunity to think for an extended period without interruption! (Albeit an  expensive one!) 

My thoughts included a deep sense of wonder and appreciation of the advances in medical technology and  resulting diagnosis of illnesses. I remembered when as a child, laboratory tests and x-rays were rare apart  from in-hospital patients. Doctors relied much more with hands on examinations together with careful  questioning and symptom recognition to diagnose and treat our illnesses. Many of our medicos were so  very talented at diagnosing this way, but some illnesses were just too difficult to identify and went  undiagnosed with tragic outcomes! 

I think we are very fortunate to live at a time where we can receive the benefits of these progressive  medical treatments and perhaps even more fortunate to live in a place where these advances and  treatments are available to most people. I for one am very thankful. By the way I am fine and all is good! 

On the same theme, I have been able to spend quite a deal of my time recently, warm  and comfy at home soaking up the amazing coverage of  The Ashes, The Tour de France and of course Wimbledon. We have always been a sporting family and I recall fondly  

sitting cross legged in front of our radio listening to the tennis and the cricket. In those  days the radio was actually a piece of furniture in our lounge room. At times it was very  static and my Dad told us it was the waves washing over the undersea cables. However  

we always enjoyed these sessions and cheered when the Aussies won and were dejected  if we lost! There were plenty of good Aussie tennis players and cricketers around during  these times to keep us going. We sat on the floor to listen to overseas radio broadcasts  circa  1950s. 

                                                In 2023 I can sit in my living room and watch The Ashes, Wimbledon and whole  three weeks of The Tour de France on my large wall mounted smart TV! I can  

watch these events in brilliant colour with superb overhead drone photography,  

live or on demand or selected highlights at a time of my choosing. I wish my dear 

Dad could see these wonders of modern technology! 

Just like medical advances, we are indeed fortunate to have  

the entertainment value of these exciting events.  Apologies     

to any (if any) of our non-sport interested members. 

Warm wishes,  

          Susan M

MEMBERSHIP - report from Ivan 

•  Currently 53, that is 34 women and 19 men. 

SPEAKERS - report from Patrick 

• The Speaker this month is Dr Joe Dunne, a psychiatrist who started a charity in 2011 called Psyches on  Bikes. This group provides free consulting services to people in remote areas. 

• Next month’s Speaker is Nicholas Cowdery AO, KC, FAAL who will reminisce on his varied legal experiences  as a prosecutor, defender, judge and teacher.  


Christmas in July is nearly here, and many people have already booked. The four-course Christmas lunch is  being held on 25 July 2023, at 12 pm, Carrington Hotel at Katoomba. The cost of the lunch is $70.00 each  and we would be grateful if you can pay by Direct Debit to the Club.  

Some members are catching the train, others are driving up for a couple of days, it is your choice. A suitable  train from Central Railway (platform 5, check this) leaves at 9.18 am., arriving Katoomba at 11.16 am. Earlier  trains leave at 8.18 am, arriving 10.16 am, and another train leaves at 8.50 am, arriving at 10.32 am. Trains  depart from Katoomba at 2.20 pm, 3.20 pm, 3.50 pm and 4.20 pm, taking just over 2 hours to reach Central. 

Happy Christmas in July everyone, from Noreen and Peter

Arrangements for payment will be accepted at the meeting.  

Direct Debit: Probus Bank account BSB 032099 account number xxxxxx.  Please type Christmas as  description and advise Noreen,  if your name is not obvious, eg a company  account. OR Cash at the meeting on Tuesday 18 June 2023.  



•  Murray River Cruise & Kangaroo Island tour 2 - 9 October 

No updates from Mary Ann at present. 

WALKS - report from Lindsay 

Probus Walk, Tuesday 8th of August, from the Quay to the North. We will meet at 10.00 am at City Extra,  Circular Quay, for coffee.  From there we will walk towards, and cross the Sydney Harbour Bridge to Milsons  Point/ Kirribilli. From there we will walk past Luna Park.  We can take a diversion to visit Wendy Whiteley's Secret Garden and then we will make our way past Lavender  

Bay to McMahon's Point. It is an easy grade walk, about 4 ks  

and should take about 1.5 hours.   

As I am just back from holidays I haven't paced this walk out  

yet and I haven't decided on a place to have lunch.  But I will  

have that sorted by Tuesday's general meeting. 

Contented walkers on the Coal Loader walk, Waverton 11 July

Our very own Valerie spotted on a poster at the bus stop in North  

Sydney  2023 (supplied by Susan) 

OUR BIRTHDAY WISHES IN JULY GO TO: Oriel T 12 and Peter B, 27.

EVENTS - report from Peggy 

The Probus Frequent Movie Goers Group will see Oklahoma, at the Orpheum Theatre on Wednesday 19  July at 7.30 pm. This is a screening of The National Theatre’s production of the show in 1998 starring Hugh  Jackman. Tickets cost $20.00 and members are invited to meet at the Chinese restaurant opposite the  theatre for supper at 6.15 pm. Please let me know at our next meeting if you would like to join this outing. 

Members of the group are invited to attend Oppenheimer on Wednesday 26 July at the Orpheum at 4.30  pm, a powerful film about on the creation of atomic bombs and their use in bringing about the end of  World War 2. A film for men and women. Tickets cost $20.00 and we can decide afterwards if we want to go  on somewhere to have a drink or a meal. 

5th Tuesday in the month  movie event will next take place on Tuesday 29 August. There is  not the greatest selection of movies scheduled to be  

shown at this time but I am thinking The Miracle Club 

may be the best one for us. I shall have to send out  

further information as to which theatre, movie session  

times once these are released and also a local place one  

can get a light lunch. 

Happy days!

DATES FOR OUR JULY & AUGUST DIARIES - See more details above

Movie Goer Group: Wednesday 19 July at 7 pm Oklahoma, Cremorne Orpheum 

Outing: Tuesday 25 July (fourth Tuesday), Christmas in July, 12 noon, Carrington Hotel  Katoomba.  

Movie Goer Group: Wednesday 26 July at 4.30 pm, Oppenheimer, Cremorne Orpheum Committee meeting: Tuesday  1 August (first Tuesday) 10.30 am Northbridge Golf Club 

Walk:   Tuesday 8 August (second Tuesday) 10.00 am City Extra Circular Quay & over the  Bridge to Lavender Bay & McMahons Point                                   

Monthly meeting: Tuesday 15 August (third Tuesday) 10.15 am Northbridge Golf Club Movie Goer Group: Tuesday 29 August (fifth Tuesday)The Miracle Club, Cremorne  

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