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Wednesday, 16 August 2023

                       THE  PROBUS  CLUB OF NORTH SYDNEY 

Newsletter 371                                                                                              15 August 2023


President’s Report

Greetings to everyone

What a wonderful time we had at Christmas in July in Katoomba last week. Thirty-two members (together with 50+ retired waterboard employees) filled the ornate ballroom at The Carrington Hotel.

We shared a Christmas meal, drank some mulled wine, pulled a couple of crackers, sang some carols and enjoyed a post prandial stroll to the station and caught the train back to Sydney.

Excellent Organization by Noreen and Peter again. Thank you!

Also, a big thank you to our members who make the extra effort to transport other members to and from our outings when required. You are truly appreciated.

Speaking with Noreen and Peter, it would be very helpful if we could have a designated helper to organize just the lunches for our outings in conjunction with Noreen & Peter. It should be quite a good little job and a great help for our outings people. Please contact Noreen or myself for further details.

Lately, I find myself becoming frustrated when travelling with a walking stick. It is pretty new for me and I have already lost three canes! Anyway, I was reminded by wiser friends than me that I am not the lone ranger in this respect by re-telling of this ancient riddle from Greek mythology:

The Sphinx asked all travellers who wanted to enter the city of Thebes this riddle.

“Which creature has one voice, but has four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at night?”

If the traveller answered correctly, they could pass through the city gate, if not, they were gobbled up by the Sphinx! Fortunately, Oedipus answered correctly and was allowed to enter the city. The answer is

 “The creature is the man who crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two as an adult and                                               needs a walking cane when old.”

So, using a walking cane is not new! Our ancestors have been doing it for hundreds and thousands of years and it is still a wonderful help for us as we enter our older years (as are our walking frames and our wheel chairs for that matter). So three cheers for all our walking stick users. We are simply continuing this historic journey of aging.

I have decided to attempt to age more gracefully and enjoy the aging years.                                                    

Just a Couple more things:

·         Please send an apology if you are unable to attend our meetings.

·         Please wear your name badge to our meetings.

·         And please, try to say hello and introduce yourself to a newer member at our meeting! There is frequently a friend behind a stranger’s face.

Warm Wishes

Susan M







MEMBERSHIP: 53 active members, 34 women and 19 men.

Birthday wishes in August: Jeanette G 07, Ian S 10, Maurice O 12, Valerie W 13, Paul T 14, Annika T 24


SPEAKERS: The speaker this month is Nicholas Cowdery AO KC FAAL, who has been involved in criminal justice for over 50 years, as a prosecutor, defender, judge and teacher.  

                   The speaker in September will be Andrew Campell, who has a Masters in Audiology. His topic will be “Hearing and Brain Health.” Andrew has written a book on this subject and has offered a complimentary copy to all in attendance


September 26 Outing. This will be an organized tour, with commentary, of Parliament House NSW.  We assemble at 10.15 am at the main entrance, Macquarie St level. Lunch will be available on location, menu to come.

TRAVEL: Murray River Cruise and Kangaroo Island tour 2-9 October. All have paid now.


There were 10 of us who met for the walk last Tuesday, 9 members as one guest.  The weather was looking a bit threatening, but it turned out to be a really nice day.  We met at City Extra for a coffee before the walk.  Because City Extra is a large establishment there were 2 groups of meeting not aware of each other, but we did meet up and got the walk underway.  We made good time actually, so we could spend a bit of time at Wendy Whitely's Garden.  We ended up at the Commodore Hotel for lunch, where we were joined by Peggy, Jeanette and 2 others.  The walkers were Penny W, Peter B, Robin, Anne Marie, Lynne M, Ivan B, Bill B. Peter W, Brenda O, Joan and Barbara B (and me).  Ivan took some photos to send onto you.

On Tuesday 12th of September, we will meet at Wynyard at 9.40am to catch a B1 to Narrabeen.  We will have a coffee at the Tram Shed Cafe before setting off to walk around the lake.  As it is an 8 kilometer walk around the lake, I am proposing that we walk to James Wheeler Place and return.  It is a 5 km walk on well-maintained paths.  No stairs or hills to climb.  Should take about an hour and a half to complete.  We can have lunch at J.B. and Sons on Pittwater Road.



5th Tuesday in the month movie event will take place on Tuesday 29th August, Orpheum Movie Theatre, Military Rd, Cremorne Hope this movie will still be on at the end of the month as I want to us to go and see “The Miracle Club” starring Maggie Smith and Cathy Bates.

As I won’t know the session times until the Thursday before we want to go, as per usual I will send out an email with further details of the movie session times and where we could meet up for coffee or light lunch beforehand. In the meantime, please keep this date free in your diaries. Peggy B  phone 9959 4587.


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