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Tuesday, 19 September 2023



Newsletter 372                                                                                  19 September 2023


President’s Report

 North Sydney Probus Report September 2023 for Newsletter.

All going well!

We enjoyed an interesting talk by past Public Prosecutor, Nicholas Cowdery at our last meeting. The

message was surprisingly positive about crime statistics in NSW. In many areas we are going really well and things are not as bad as we often think. However, he did warn us of the dangers of kitchen knives and if you are going to have a disagreement with your housemate, please don’t do it in the kitchen!

Another good turnout for our outing to go whale watching! The weather was fine, Noreen brought the ginger chews and the whales certainly did come out to play. They had a good look at us and did a bit of showing off. It is really an amazing sight to see these giant mammals cavorting in the ocean just a short distance outside the Sydney Harbour heads. I couldn’t help but recall a little Spike Milligan fun verse.

“A Baby Sardine”

A baby sardine saw her first submarine:

She was scared and watched through a peephole.

“Oh come, come, come”

Said the sardine’s mum.

“It is only a tin full of people”


We are fortunate to have Noreen and Peter to organise such outings for us every month. This always requires a big effort and they do it so very well. Thank you so much. Robyn S has agreed to assist the Byrnes as the lunch organiser for our outings in the future.

I think we also need to say a thank you to Lindsay (and Penny) who have stepped up to take over the walk organisation since the lovely Oriel’s retirement from the job. You are doing a great job. Keep it up!

It seems early but we have to book to secure the best spot for our Christmas lunch. Our Christmas lunch committee have found just the spot. We have booked at the Kirribilli Club, North Sydney. More details to follow shortly.

Please keep Tuesday 12 December 2023 free for lunch at 12 md at The Kirribilli Club.

Just a little note I feel the need to write! In the last couple of months, I have lost 3 life-long friends. I am sure at our age we are all losing loved ones be they family, friends or colleagues. I miss my recently departed friends but I am happy remembering the many fun memories we made together.

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.

– Tehyi Hsieh

Always remember that this is your Club and we always welcome your ideas. An email, text or simply a word in our ears. We always listen.

Warm Wishes

Susan M

MEMBERSHIP:    53 active members, 34 women and 19 men.


BIRTHDAYS: Many happy returns for your September birthdays: Paul O 1st, Cynthia C 6, Douglas I  17, Annemarie R18, Margaret R 20, Patrick W 20, Peggy B 28, Polly G 29.


SPEAKERS: The Speaker on 19 Sept will be Dr Andrew Campbell and the topic is “Hearing and Brain Health”. Andrew has a Masters in Audiology and, apart from treating patients, he conducts teaching seminars, is a Guest Speaker and has written several books on this specialist subject.

In Oct we will watch a DVD on life in PNG entitled “First Contact”. This will be introduced by Jocelyn M, one of our members, and a long-term resident of PNG.


NSW Parliament House – Tour and Lunch, Tuesday 26 September 2023

The next outing is a visit to NSW Parliament House, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney, one of Australia’s oldest buildings and a fine example of early Australian Architecture. An experienced guide takes us through the rooms of Australia’s first Parliament including the historic legislative chambers.

We need to enter the building by the temporary Macquarie Street security entrance and assemble inside at the front desk at 10.15 am.

Temporary Entrance

The tour is followed at by lunch in the ‘Strangers Restaurant’ which has a pleasant view over The Domain. Main meals cost $34.00 to $46.00 (find details in link below). If you do not wish to finish off the day with the lunch, please let me know, so I can book the correct number of tables of 6 – 8 people. The restaurant would like one bill per table, so if everyone brings cash to cover the meal the ‘Leader’ at each table will collect it for you, (wine is separate at the bar).



Please let me know if you intend to come to the outing and if you are coming to the lunch.

Thanking You

Noreen B:

Details of Menu:



Tamworth lamb cutlets, petit pois a la Francaise, mustard mashed potato (GF) $46.00

Snapper fillet, plantain chips, mojo verde, grilled corn - pica de gallo (GF) (DF) $44.00

Red lentil curry, aloo palak, zucchini & carrot bhaji, green mango chutney (VE, GF) $34.00


TRAVEL: Murray River Cruise and Kangaroo Island tour 2-9 October

WALKS: On Tuesday 16 members (Penny , Ivan , Mary Anne and Douglas , Lis , Judy, Oriel, Dion, Paul , Judy, Lyn , Barry & Jeanette, Carol and Jackie ) went on the walk around Narrabeen Lakes.  It was a nice sunny day, and surprisingly, there was no smoke haze, in spite of 3 hazard reduction burns nearby. Unfortunately, the place I had planned to have lunch was closed but we adjourned to the Sands Hotel where Peggy  joined us for lunch.

The next walk is on 10 October, and is around Woolwich.  We will meet at Circular Quay to catch the 10.45 ferry to Woolwich.  We will have our coffee at the cafe at Woolwich Dock which is after the start of the walk.  We will have lunch at the Woolwich Pier Hotel, about 12.30pm. It is an an easy, mostly level walk, a mix of suburban and bush walking (Kelly's Bush).  There are some bush steps in Kelly's Bush, but they are not steep

Regards Lindsay


EVENTS: Movie Goer’s Group: After thinking the coming movies over the next few months looked to be a sorry lot Douglas suggested that we could go to see this movie called “A Haunting in Venice”, an Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot story starring and directed by Kenneth Branagh.

The more I have learnt about it the more interesting I see it to be so am thinking we could see it on Friday afternoon the 22nd September. Once again this is on at the Orpheum Theatre, Military Road and as no session times are out yet, please wait for a second email from me with further information. For now, please keep this date free.

Maybe coffee before or a drink afterwards! Or even an early dinner!!

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