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Friday, 20 October 2023

THE PROBUS CLUB OF NORTH SYDNEY Newsletter 373 17 October 2023 


I started writing this month’s report on the fifth floor of our hotel in Adelaide on the way back from  our club’s latest adventure! Our time on the olde worlde paddle steamer, The Murray Princess, was  indeed different and very enjoyable. The mighty Murray River and the environs were quite awe  inspiring. I will leave it to Mary Ann to tell us more at our next meeting. 

Thank you to Mary Ann for all the necessary pre- planning of the event and to Noreen for all the  mothering, caring and sorting us out during the trip. Some of us needed it more than others (ie  me)!  

I must mention and thank Peter for his untiring assistance to everyone and for his ability to answer  our questions, pertinent or otherwise, using his encyclopedic general knowledge! He is certainly a  great asset to any trip away. 

Noreen & Peter also brought along several friends and Mary Ann included a couple of people from  other Probus Clubs. It’s great to have some new faces and I encourage all to consider involving  friends outside Probus to join us on our outings and trips away. Well worth thinking about. 

Our Christmas Club Invitations have been sent and I ask that you let us know if you are coming,  with details  of visitors as soon as possible so the Christmas Committee can finalise this  event. It   will also be helpful for planning if you could advise if you cannot make it.  Do try, it promises to be  a grand day! 

I am finishing this report  at home sitting in the sunshine on my front porch with a big mug of  coffee. It reminds me that it is great to get away for a few days/weeks but it is always lovely and  reassuring to be back in our own home, be it ever so humble . 

Now that COVID restrictions have eased, so many of our members are returning from travelling far  and wide. Good to have you back and I trust you too enjoy being home again. 

When I looked up the Home Sweet Home rhyme I found it was written in 1823 , exactly 200 years  ago. Home! Sweet Home! is a song adapted from American actor and dramatist John Howard  Payne's 1823 opera Clari, or The Maid of Milan. The song's melody was composed by Englishman  Sir Henry Bishop with lyrics by Payne. 

It would seem that although many things may change, some stay the same.  Home is one of them! Susan M

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MEMBERSHIP - report from Ivan 

• No change in the membership: 53 Active members, 34 women and 19 men 

SPEAKERS - report from Patrick 

• October - Jocelyn M has kindly lent us her DVD titled First Contact which illustrates  the early days of Australian exploration in Papua New Guinea. 

• November - Geoff Pritchard is giving us a talk on the infamous Petrov Affair


On Tuesday 24th October, starting at 11am, we are planning a casual 'Sausage Sizzle’ at  Tunks park, Northbridge, with salads, followed by cakes or slices. Please bring your own plate with cutlery, drinks and chairs. 

If you have some outdoor games, you could bring  

them along to entertain us all. 

Arrangements for the $15.00 cash payment will be  

accepted at the next meeting (17th October), or as a  

Direct Debit.  

Payment to: Probus Bank account BSB 032099  

account number

Please type Picnic as the description. 

Looking forward to the day, 

Noreen, Peter and Robin 

TRAVEL - report from Mary Ann 

Murray River cruise and Kangaroo Island  


We thoroughly enjoyed our 4 night trip on the  

PS Murray Princess. The meals were  

sumptuous; our forays onto land to enjoy wine  

tasting, Swan Reach with its fabulous  

museum and second-hand store, Sunnydale  

for the woolshed show and nocturnal tour,  

and Ngaut Ngaut Aboriginal Reserve, one of  

Australia’s most significant archaeological  

sites, were all wonderful adventures in  

different ways.  

One of my most memorable sights was the  

view of the towering sandstone cliffs lit up with  

the evening sun. They positively glowed. Then there was the tender boat ride that was fast  and furious and allowed us to view the Princess from the river. 

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The two days on Kangaroo Island included a variety  

of visits to discover Kangaroo Island’s fascinating  

wildlife, spectacular coastal scenery, stunning  

landscapes, and unique local produce. The  

highlights of this tour included Seal Bay  

Conservation, Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park,  

Flinders Chase National Park, Remarkable Rocks &  

Admirals Arch, In-Flight Birds of Prey Display,  

Clifford’s Honey Farm, and Wine Tasting at False  

Cape Wines. 

WALKS - report from Lindsay 

Tuesday 10th October 15 members and 3 guests  

turned up for our Woolwich, Kelly's Bush walk. A  

pretty good result considering some of us had just  

been on the trip to Kangaroo Island and the Murray  

River Cruise. It was a nice day, not too hot. We had  

our coffee on the way at the cafe at Woolwich Dock,  

and then lunch at Woolwich Pier Hotel. 

On Tuesday 14th November we will be doing the  

Tamarama Beach to Bondi Beach walk, to see  

the end of the Sculptures by the Sea exhibition. My suggestion is to catch the eastern  suburbs train at Town Hall at 9.45 am, platform 5, to Bondi Junction. We will then meet at  Bondi Junction Bus Terminus at stand B at 10 am and catch the 381 bus to Tamarama  Beach. After coffee we’ll set off on the walk from there. This is a short walk but there will  be some sculptures to see. I am suggesting that we get to Bondi Icebergs at around 12  noon. You will need some form of identification, i.e. drivers licence, for the Icebergs. 

EVENTS - report from Peggy 

5th Tuesday of the month Movie Event, The Origin of Evil, Tuesday the 31st October, at  the Orpheum Theatre Military Road. This is a French Movie (subtitles!) about a daughter  verging on bankruptcy, trying to move back to live with her wealthy father and his new  family. There are many twists and turns as the various members of the new family and the  old try to manipulate each other. Looks interesting and the Rotten Tomatoes Guide gives it  a rating of 87%! 

Once the session time is released I will send out another email with more information and  details on where we can meet up for coffee and a light lunch beforehand. Please add the  date to your diary. 


Happy October birthdays to Jeanette F on 10th, Eleanor S on 26th and Joan B on 29th. 

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AN INVITATION - details are from Mary Ann 

Bowls and BBQ Get Together 

Judi Gowing, the President of the Lane Cove Combined Probus, has invited the members  of North Sydney Probus to join in a Celebration of Probus Month on Monday, October  23rd.  


Bowls and BBQ Get Together 

Arrival at 10.45 am; Bowls 11am- 12.30; Lunch 12.30 - 2pm 

Lane Cove Bowling & Recreation Club, 151 Burns Bay Rd, Lane Cove (plenty of parking). Flat sole shoes essential 

BBQ $15 Bowls $5 

RSVP Wednesday 18th October to Judi Gowing or 0419 284 262  

Could you also let Mary Ann know if you are interested. We should be able to organise  transport for those who need it. 

This is our opportunity to celebrate Probus Month without the effort! 


Monday 23rd October 10.45 am, Bowls & BBQ with Lane Cove Probus

Tuesday 24th October 11 am, Sausage Sizzle, Tunks Park Tuesday 31st October, The Origin of Evil, Cremorne Orpheum Tuesday 7th November 10.30 am, Committee meeting 

Tuesday 14th November 9.45 am, walk Sculptures by the Sea

Tuesday 21st November 10 am, Probus meeting 

Tuesday 12th December Christmas party 12 noon, Kirribilli Club  RSVP Elizabeth S

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