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Tuesday, 20 February 2024


Newsletter 376                     20 February 2024 

PRESIDENT’S REPORT - from Douglas  

Many thanks to Noreen and Peter for arranging the very interesting tour of St Mary's  Cathedral and Crypt. The terrazzo floor was stunning. 

Our AGM will be next month. Elections are most  

important and nominations are open for all positions, including Vice President, Outings  Coordinator and Membership Officer. Could position holders please nominate a “standby  person” to cover for their duties if absent. 

A number of films have been enjoyed by members, including The Holdovers, Anatomy of a  Fall and The Boys in the Boat. The just released All of Us Strangers gets a very good  review. It may not be on by the end of the month - an extra movie outing may be on before  then. TBA. 

A worthwhile upcoming event is the Seniors Expo, with much information on lifestyle,  travel, health and more. This will be held at the International Convention Centre, Darling  Harbour, March 13 and 14. No ticket is required. If you missed out on getting a ticket to the  Seniors Gala Concert this event will be live streamed at 2.45 pm on March 14. It is free,  but you need to register on the web site, gala-concerts-live-stream 

Enjoy the many benefits of volunteering – make friends, learn new skills, giving back to the  community and making a difference. See the Lower North Shore Volunteer Expo,  

Wednesday March 14, 11.30 am to -1.30 pm at the Dougherty Community Centre 7 Victor  Street, Chatswood. 

I'm looking at a trip away in late October. We hire a bus and go to the see the Mayfield  Gardens in Spring. Visit the Penrith Art Gallery on the way to Bathurst where we stay for  two nights. A whole day at Mayfield. On the way home stop at the ZigZag railway for a  train ride. Has anyone any suggestions for anything else to do in the Bathurst area? 

A problem with Committee meetings just before the General meeting is getting any major  decisions out to the membership. Any suggestions? 

MEMBERSHIP - report from Ivan  Still 54 (34 women, 20 men)


Norman McN 11 February,  Noreen B 25 February,  Brenda O 26 February,  John G 29 February.

SPEAKERS - report from Patrick 

February Talk. 

‘911 in New York’ by Hans Kunnen. In 2001 Hans was in New York and will share with us  the chaotic scenes he witnessed at first hand. 

March Talk. 

As customary at the March AGM, several newer members will share some of their life’s  experiences 

WALKS - report from Lindsay  

Tuesday 12 March - North Curl Curl to Harbord Diggers walk

Meet at 9.30am Starbucks Cafe on the corner of Margaret and York Streets, Sydney. 

Catch the B1 at Bus Stand B Carrington Street at 10.21am. 

Arrive Pittwater Road Brookvale Stand C at 10.49 am 

Depart Stand D at 10.55 am on bus 177 

Arrive Manly High School, North Curl Curl at 11.02 am 

From there we will walk past the ovals to the Dee Why Creek Reserve towards the beach. Cross Griffin Rd and follow the path to Harbord Diggers for lunch. This is about an hour’s  walk on very flat and easy well maintained paths, not challenging. Unfortunately I'm  injured and won’t be leading the walk. Penny will lead this walk and she can't do anything  too strenuous because of her hips. 

The 167 bus departs outside the club at 1.42 pm and 2.02 pm and 2.22 pm back to  Brookvale. There are also plenty of buses from the club to Manly. 


OUTINGS - report from Noreen  

Next Outing to Davistown RSL, Tuesday 27 Feb 2024. 

Join our scenic train rides from North Sydney to Woy Woy then continue by ferry to lunch  at the Davistown RSL Club – known as “The Davo”. On this outing we see picturesque  sights of Brisbane Waters at the Central Coast. At lunch there are several options  available from $20 or we can select from the all-day snack menu. 

Travel is with your opal card on the train, and the ferry is $9.40 return (concession). Please  bring cash or card for your expenses. 

If you can come, please let us know at the meeting so we can book the ferry and lunch.  The transport arrangements are. 

8.55am North Sydney Station (Platform 4) - Train to Hornsby.  

Meet Noreen and Peter at the second last carriage of the train.  

9:53am Train from Hornsby to Woy Woy (platform TBA) 

10:28 am Arrive Woy Woy (There is a 6 min walk to the Ferry Wharf) 10:45am Depart on ferry to Davistown (it goes on to Empire Bay). 11:10am Arrive Davistown for a 10 min walk or courtesy bus to the club for lunch. 1:15pm Ferries depart Davistown at 1:15 and 2:25.  

Arrive at North Sydney around 3:40pm or 4:30 pm. 

EVENTS - Peggy  

After talking to several members about coming attractions at the movies at the delightful  annual lunch at, The Little Snail, some of us thought we would like to go and see what is  being described as being 90 year old Michael Caine’s last movie called, The Great  Escaper. It also stars Glenda Jackson. The session times won’t be announced for a week  or so yet but if you would like to join in this outing please keep Thursday 22 February free  in your diaries and a second email will be sent out with further details including where we  could meet for lunch or an early dinner according to the session times. 

5th Tuesday in the month movie event. 

The next month with a 5th Tuesday is not until April so rather a long time before another  organised outing. In the meantime emails will be sent to all with details of impromptu  outings anyone can attend. 


Mary Ann has reserved tickets for a group of 20 at $70.00 each for the 19th June at 1pm.

What if Romeo’s ending was Juliet’s beginning? Shakespeare's script has been flipped.  Legendary songwriter, Max Martin delivers one of the most addictive and joyous  soundtracks to ever hit the stage, in this inspiring new musical that proves there’s life after  Romeo. 

After premiering on the West End & Juliet has been one of the most unexpected and  spectacular theatrical triumphs on Broadway. 

I will be asking for interest again at the February meeting, but will also contact other  Probus clubs to get the numbers.  

Payment to the Probus bank account with your name and the description “& Juliet”.  Details - BSB: 032-099 Account number:

TRAVEL - report from Mary Ann  

Travel – Samoa with OnCourse Tours 

There has been reasonable interest from members for the trip to Samoa with OnCourse  Tours. They have now put aside 7 rooms for our club. There may be more rooms available  if more of our members want to go. Please contact Mary Ann as soon as possible if you  want to be included or need more information before making a decision. 

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The initial phone call takes about 20 minutes and you'll need your Medicare number. Ring My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and select the option "1" when requested.  Eventually you will be given a My Aged Care number, e.g.ACxxxxxxxx. Then request an  assessment which will take another 10 minutes of questions. That is part 1 finished. Someone will ring you back to make an assessment appointment in 2-4 weeks time. Try to  get a phone assessment rather than a house call. 

The phone interview will take about 30 minutes. They may try and get you other services,  shopping, home help etc. Emphasise that you just want it for the bus company Community  Connect. You will be given a Referral Code number. The person in Probus who organises  Outings will need to keep a copy of your name, MAC number and Referral Code number. My Aged Care keeps all the information you gave and if in the future you require other  services they have all this basic information. 


1st Tuesday free/picnic            2nd Tuesday walk     3rd Tuesday 9am Committee meeting, followed by general meeting at 10.15 am 4th Tuesday outing              5th Tuesday film


Tuesday 20 February, 9am Committee meeting, 10.15 am general monthly  meeting 

Thursday 22 February The Great Escaper, Cremorne Orpheum

Tuesday 27 February outing to “the Davo” by train & ferry

Tuesday 12 March walk North Curl Curl to Harbord Diggers Club

Monday 13, Tuesday 14 March Seniors Expo Darling Harbour (p1) Tuesday 14 March Lower North Shore Volunteer Expo Chatswood (pp1-2) 

Tuesday 26 March 9.30 am, Ramses and the gold of the Pharaohs,  Australian Museum, corner of College St and William St, Sydney 


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