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Tuesday, 19 March 2024


Newsletter 377 19 March, 2024 


Since the last meeting there has been a walk, movie and an outing. The  outstanding event was the talk by Hans Kunnen on his experience in New York of  9/11. Even after more than 23 years it is still very real for him. This must be one of  the most memorable ever talks to Probus. That he came out of it without PTSD  appears largely to be owing to his deep faith. 

The United States had laws that covered the response when attacked by another  nation, eg Pearl Harbour, but nothing on how to respond to an attack by a nebulous  sub-national group. President Bush instructed the drafting of a new law to deal with  such events. This was passed by Congress with only one objection, from  Congresswoman, Barbara Lee, who was vilified. The new law changed the way the  US has responded since then. I found a very interesting podcast that covered this  saga. Please contact me if you are interested and I will send you a link. 

There is still a vacancy for the important position of Outings Coordinator. There will  be helpers to share the load, so don’t be shy in coming forward. 

Looking forward to another exciting year of Probus. 



Probus members will be saddened to hear of the death on Saturday  9 March of their friend Ches, a long-standing and active member of  our group. Our sincere sympathy and very best wishes go to his  

wife Valerie and their family. The funeral will be held in the St.  

Aloysius College Chapel on Friday 22 March. Elizabeth S has  further details of the arrangements. 

OUTINGS - report from Mary Ann  

1. We will be going to see the exhibition Ramses the Great and the Gold of the  Pharaohs at the Australian Museum on Tuesday 26 March

Meet at 9:30am in the foyer of the Australian Museum on the corner of College  and William Sts in the city. Our session starts at 9:45am. 

There is a cafe in the museum and we can lunch there. People will no doubt need  different amounts of time to view the exhibition. Any members who would like to  stay for lunch could meet at the cafe at 11:30. I will attempt to reserve a large  table for us. 

If you would like to join us but don't have one of the group tickets, it is still possible  to join us by buying your own ticket there. It will be slightly more expensive. Let me  know if you want to join us in case there are cancellations and I have a spare ticket. For those who haven't collected their tickets yet, I will have them at the March  meeting.

2. Theatre opportunity “& Juliet” 

Mary Ann still has a few tickets for a group of 20 at $70 each for 19 June at 1pm.  What if Romeo’s ending, was Juliet’s beginning? 

We now have a few members from other clubs joining us. Please consider this  theatre event. It sounds as if it should be excellent.  

Shakespeare's script has been flipped in this inspiring new musical that proves  there’s life after Romeo. 

After premiering on the West End & Juliet has been one of the most unexpected  and spectacular theatrical triumphs on Broadway. 

Payment is due just after the April meeting. If we don't have the numbers then, our  reserved seats at this price are forfeited and we will need to refund those who have  booked. I will be asking for interest again at the March meeting. 

Payment to the Probus bank account with your name and the description “& Juliet”.  Details: BSB: 032-099 Account number:xxxxxx


MEMBERSHIP - report from Ivan  

53 (34 women, 19 men) 

SPEAKERS - report from Patrick  

Speakers on 19 March will be our fellow members Barbara B, Kenn C  and Bill B. Each has kindly agreed to present a 5 minute vignette on one of  their hobbies/interests. 

On 16 April Robin Frith (a member of Cremorne Probus Club) will speak on  “Computer Technology Over the Ages” 


Kristina T1 March, Jeanette F 6 March 

Lis T 18 March, Elizabeth S 30 March 

WALKS - report from Lindsay and Penny 

Next walk: Tuesday 9 April - Old Sydney Brickworks, St Peters The site has been renovated but you can still see the old towers and brick ovens.  Council developed a rain capture system which includes a series of ponds and  wetlands. At different times of the year you will see a range of ducks, waders &  swans.  

Distance 2 - 3 kms. Some slopes. Easy walking tracks and constructed paths. 

Transport instructions. Meet on platform 6, Wynyard at 10.15 am. Arrive at St  Peters at 10.34 am. Coffee at Khamsa Eatery 1/655 King Street, St Peters. 

Lunch will be at Sydney Park Kiosk. 

Inquiries to Penny Wade 0424 719 246 

•Last walk: We bused to North Curl Curl  

and had a wonderful day, walking along  

a shady path, passed North Curl Curl  

Lagoon, and onto the boardwalk to  

Harbord Diggers for lunch. 

The sun shone and the surf was  

crashing onto the beach and South Curl  

Curl ocean baths. A tad hot for some  

but the heat was tamed by a fresh north  

easterly breeze. 

We returned by ferry to Circular Quay,  

enjoying the activity on the harbour. 

Those walking were: Ivan , Peter  

B, Bill & Deon C, Brenda O, plus visitors Anne & Mary, Annemarie  R and Bill joined us for lunch after a swim in the South Curl Curl  Baths.

EVENTS - report from Peggy  

Wicked Little Letters, Monday 25 March, Orpheum Cinema, Military Road,  Cremorne. Times to be advised when known. 

This film has been publicised as “the British Comedy of the year”. It stars  Olivia Coleman and Timothy Spall and tells the story of what happens after  someone sends anonymous letters around a small village. The film is set in  the 1950’s and looks to be vintage British fun. 

• 5th Tuesday in the month Movie Event 

There will be a film on Tuesday the 30 April, to be announced in the April  newsletter.  


The initial phone call takes about 20 minutes and you'll need your Medicare  number. 

Ring My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and select the option "1" when  requested. Eventually you will be given a My Aged Care number, e.g.ACxxxxxxxx. Then request an assessment which will take another 10  minutes of questions. That is part 1 finished. 

Someone will ring you back to make an assessment appointment in 2-4  weeks time. Try to get a phone assessment rather than a house call. 

The phone interview will take about 30 minutes. They may try and get you  other services, shopping, home help etc. Emphasise that you just want it for  the bus company Community Connect. You will be given a Referral Code  number. The person in Probus who organises Outings will need to keep  a copy of your name, MAC number and Referral Code number. My Aged Care keeps all the information you gave and if in the future you  require other services they have all this basic information. 

 Probus Tuesday monthly schedule -Please note that changes  have been made to the old sequence. New arrangements will  start in May.  

1st Tuesday outing 

2nd Tuesday walk 

3rd Tuesday committee meeting 9am followed by general meeting 10.15 am,  held at Northbridge Golf Club 

4th Tuesday film 

5th Tuesday picnic 


Tuesday 19 March, 9 am, Committee meeting 

Tuesday 19 March, 10.15 am, Probus Annual General Meeting Monday 25 March Wicked Little Letters Cremorne Orpheum 

Tuesday 26 March 9.30 am, Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs,  Australian Museum, corner of College and William Sts, Sydney 

Tuesday 9 April walk, Old Sydney Brickworks, St. Peters. Meet 10.15 am  Wynyard Platform 6 

Tuesday 30 April 5th Tuesday film TBA

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