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Thursday, 18 April 2024

 Newsletter 378 16 April 2024


The AGM has come and gone without any bloodshed. There are a number of new  committee members as well as some continuing from last year. Peter Ware is  taking on Movies. We have a unique situation with two Co-coodinators for our  Outings, with Carole E and Jocelyn M taking the helm. Mary Ann is the  new Public Officer, Lyn M looks after Membership and Jackie M Welfare.  A big thank you to past office-holders, Peggy B, Noreen and Peter B,  Ivan B and Ian S.

Please help Robin S make all our visitors feel welcome. 

The weather gods smiled on us and there was a most enjoyable walk around St.  Peters Brickworks. 18 brave Probians took part. 

Subscriptions are due - pay before the next Meeting to get the discounted rate. 

The Rotary Club of North Sydney is our founding Club and we enjoyed their  company at the recent 40th Lunch. Sadly due to dwindling numbers they have been  forced close down. 

Mary Ann has looked at the Probus Insurance and it seems that it only covers  official outings, i.e ones minuted in a Meeting. As some events like movies occur at  short notice they may not be covered. Committee will discuss this problem. 

I propose a visit to the Fire Brigade Open Day on Saturday 11May from 10.00 am to  2.00 pm. It will be held at a select few Stations yet to be advised. Rather than make  it a Probus event I recommend everyone getting along to learn about fire safety. I'll  circulate Station names when available. Battery fires are a new hazard and are  especially dangerous. You might learn something that could save a life. 

New committee 

Annual report,  

Delivered by  

Douglas at the  

AGM in March.  

What a year it has been. 

Sadly I have to report  

the passing of Shelagh,  

Richard, Jeanette and  

Ches. Our lives were  

made richer from having  

known them. 

At the last AGM, Mary Ann gladly gave up the reins after the long trials and  tribulations of the COVID years. That the Club kept up a reasonable pace of  activities is a credit to its resilience. Susan Myers became President and promised  more streamlined procedures, more Member participation and help to older  Members. I'd like to add to that, having more activities. All suggestions are  welcomed. Sadly Susan succumbed to the pressure of work and had to resign. We  wish her well in her non-retirement. 

The highlight of the year was the 40th Anniversary Luncheon at the View Hotel,  North Sydney. It was well attended by Members and friends, other Probus Clubs  and our founding Club North Sydney Rotary. Thanks again to all those who helped.  The next big one is the 50th! 

The Xmas Lunch was another great success, this year at the Kirribilli Club for a  change. The “all inclusive” event simplified things. Thanks to our elves who made it  possible. 

Looking through the Newsletters it has been a busy Probus year. From whale  watching to a Murray Cruise, to the dignity of Parliament House, to the solemn St  Mary's Cathedral. 

For all the wonderful walks we thank Lindsay and his helper Penny. This shows  how useful it is to have a helper as a back-up in case one breaks a leg. Patrick's talks for the year culminated with surely the best ever last month. I have  been in touch with Hans Kunnen about a very interesting development post 9/11.  There are details in the March newsletter. 

A very special thanks to Noreen and Peter who slaved away organising the  outings over the years. They are retiring and can rest on a huge bed of laurels (to  mangle a metaphor.) There is still a vacancy for an Outings Coordinator. 

Ian stepped down as Public Officer and Mary Ann has kindly offered to fill that  position. Thank you for your long service, Ian. 

As well Polly stepped down as our Newsletter Editor having done this since 2011.  Thanks for a job well done. Thank you Judy C for filling the breech. 

Peggy has moved over the Bridge and is stepping away from being the Movie  Coordinator. Movies have expanded to include Popular, Art House, Plays,  Documentaries, Opera and Foreign films. These events can pop up at any time and  have proved popular. Thank you Peggy. 

As President you have heard me prattle on. Easy enough to do. The real behind the  scenes work is done by the Secretary and Treasurer. They are the foundations on  which any Organisation is based. Annemarie and Elizabeth deserve all our thanks  for the work they do. 

Robin has volunteered to be our Welcoming Officer. It is important to make visitors  welcome and thus retain them. Any suggestions re a suitable Welcome sash. 

Save the date for the Fire Brigade Open Day on Saturday 11 May. This will be at  various Stations and we have to organise this closer to the day. It could be that  everyone makes their own way to the event. Learn about smoke alarms, lithium  batteries, cooking hazards, range hoods and dryers. 

The Muogamarra Nature Reserve is a hidden gem up past Cowan. It is only open  to the public for few weekends during Spring and must be booked. There are  guided walks, displays and lots and lots of wildflowers. 

I'm looking at a trip to see the Mayfield Gardens in October. Probably to go by train  to Bathurst and stay there for 3 nights. Use a local coach for a day trip to the  Gardens. The next day see some of the sights in Bathurst. Then by train to the  ZigZag Railway for an historic train ride. Continue back to Sydney by train. Would  someone like to help me organise this away trip? 

Oriel and Liz are working with me to upgrade the website. 

Let us all make 2024 a year of even more fellowship, friendship and fun.  

SUBSCRIPTIONS - reminder from Elizabeth  

Subscriptions for 2024 are due on or before the April meeting: $60 for on time  payment or $70 for late payment. 

MEMBERSHIP - report from Lynn M  

52 (33 women, 19 men) 

Ches Wojtulewicz obituary - from Patrick W and Elizabeth S

We were very sorry to say goodbye to our long standing member Ches last month,  and our Club was well represented at the celebration of his life at the school chapel  at St Aloysius College in Kirribilli. This was a fitting venue for the celebration as, in  his capacity as a successful architect, Ches designed the chapel and several  buildings over the years. 

When Russia invaded east Poland, Ches with his mother and younger brother were  deported to Siberia. They were released when Germany invaded Russia. They, and  countless thousands of others found their way to Persia, where his mother died.  From there they found safe haven around the world. Ches finished up with 500  orphans in South Africa. He moved to Rhodesia so that he could write the R.I.B.A.  Exam. There he met and married Valerie and where their son Julian was born. He  returned to the U.K. for his final exams and decided not to return to Africa but came  to Australia. 

SPEAKERS - report from Patrick  

This month’s talk is Computers and IT Over the Ages and the Speaker is Robin  Frith from Neutral Bay Probus Club. 

May’s talk is Mary Reiby and the Foundation of Australia and the Speaker is  John Walsh from Cremorne Probus Club. 


Bob M 5 April, Gillian W 9 April, Enzo S 18 April, Geoff P 29  April. 


If members are aware of another member who is not well or who would like to  speak to someone for welfare support, please call Jackie M on 0412 836 997. 

TRAVEL - report from Mary Ann  

Samoa with OnCourse Tours 27 July - 5 August 

Several members have booked for the trip to Samoa with OnCourse Tours. There  may still be rooms available if more of our members want to go. Please contact  Mary Ann as soon as possible if you want to be included or need more information  before making a decision. 

REMINDER - Probus Tuesday monthly schedule, from May 

1st Tuesday outing 

2nd Tuesday walk 

3rd Tuesday committee meeting 9.15 am followed by general meeting 10.15 am 

4th Tuesday movie 

5th Tuesday picnic 

OUTINGS - Carole and Jocelyn  

The Outings sub-committee met at Noreen & Peter B’s residence and came up  with some interesting suggestions for the remainder of 2024.  So far, the following  outings are firming up, arranged by different members:  

May, the Biennale at the White Bay Power Station, with Ivan 

June, Bundeena, with Mary Ann 

July, China town, with Geoff and Robyn 

August, Cockatoo Island, with Jocelyn 

Other suggestions included Mt. Annan, Badgery’s Creek and the Riverboat  Postman. As plans are finalised there will be notifications in the Newsletter.  

A reminder to all members to contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and  organise a “number” for travel on the Community bus to be eligible to participate  in future outings. When you have your details pass them on to Carole or  Jocelyn. 

OUTING - report from Ivan  

7 May, White Bay Power Station - Biennale of Sydney 

10.45 am meet outside the Queen Victoria Building in York Street Stand B, for  bus route 443 to Robert St, Rozelle. 

Self guided tour of the Biennale exhibition, followed by lunch at the Bald Rock  Hotel. 

Entrance to the exhibition is free! I will need numbers to book lunch.  There will be more details at our meeting on April 16 

MOVIES - report from Peter W

As announced at the annual general meeting, Peggy has passed over the baton to  me to organise movie outings. These are big shoes to fill and I would like to thank  Peggy for the tremendous job that she has done in the past - and I will try to  maintain her good work! 

For April I have selected a film that was released last year in the UK, but is only due  to be released here in mid April - it is called Freud’s Last Session and stars  Anthony Hopkins. Set on the eve of WW11 and towards the end of his life, Freud  invites iconic author C S Lewis for a debate over the existence of God. It also  explores Freud’s relationship with his family and the family and friends of Lewis. 

As some advanced warning I am thinking that the film for May could be Golda starring Helen Mirren and is based on part of the turbulent career of Israeli Prime  Minister, Golda Meir during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. 

WALKS - report from Penny, standing in for 


Last walk, Sydney Park, St Peter's on Tuesday 9 April 

We had a very enjoyable walk round the old brickworks site in St  Peters despite the possibility of wet weather which came  

through at 2.30pm.  

It was a cloudy day and perfect temperature of 21 degrees for a  walk. We had coffee at Khamsa eatery then had a 1.5 hour walk through the Park,  looking at the old brickworks and the amazing watering system plus ponds that  have been created amongst native vegetation. Lunch was at Sydney Park Kiosk  overlooking vegetation. Attendees included Walks leader Penny Wade plus sixteen  others: 

Marie A, Barbara B, Bill B, Joan B, Deon and Bill C, Carol  E, Doug and Mary Ann I, Brenda O, Enzo S, Robin S,  Lis T, Peter W plus Mary who has been a guest before and Sandra a new  guest. 

Next walk Tuesday 14 May, Botanic 

Gardens Walk from Circular Quay 

and back - A magnificent walk with spectacular views of the Harbour and Opera  House. 

Meet 10.15 am, City Extra restaurant at Circular Quay between Wharfs 3 and 4 Walk 5 kms approximately 2 hours 

Circular Quay to Mrs Macquarie's Chair, to Boy Charlton Pool and intoThe  Gardens.  

Lunch: Palm Grove Centre cafe 

Continue on to The Calyx House. About 30 mins spent here. Entry by cash  donation. Then back to Circular Quay through the gardens and behind the  Conservatorium and Government House.  

                  Penny Wade 0424719246 

Theatre opportunity “& Juliet” at Lyric Theatre 

Mary Ann still has a few tickets for a group of 20 at $70 each for the 19 June at  1pm.  

What if Romeo’s ending was Juliet’s beginning? Shakespeare's script has been  flipped in this inspiring new musical that proves there’s life after Romeo. After premiering on the West End & JULIET has been one of the most unexpected  and spectacular theatrical triumphs on Broadway. 

Please consider this theatre event. It sounds as if it should be excellent. We now  have a few members from other clubs joining us.  

Payment is due just after the April meeting. If we don't have the numbers then, our  reserved seats at this price are forfeited and we will need to refund those who have  booked. I will be asking for interest again at the April meeting.  

Payment to the Probus bank account with your name and the description “& Juliet”.  Details - BSB: 032-099 Account number: 255375  


Tuesday 16 April, 9.15 am Committee meeting, Northbridge Golf Club Tuesday 16 April, 10.15 am Probus meeting, Northbridge Golf Club Tuesday 23 April, movie Freud’s Last Session. See p.5  

Tuesday 30 April, possible picnic. 

Tuesday 7 May White Bay Power Station & Biennale. Meet outside QVB in  York St for buses 10.45 am. Details p.5  

Saturday 11 May, 10.00 am - 2.00 pm Fire Brigade Open Day. Details later 

Tuesday 14 May walk, Botanic Gardens. Meet 10.15 am City Extra, Circular  Quay. See p.6 

Tuesday 28 May, movie Golda. To be confirmed. 

Wednesday 19 June “& Juliet”. See above. 


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