THE PROBUS CLUB OF NORTH SYDNEY Newsletter 379 21 May, 2024
Due to the threat of rain the picnic was called off. On Annemarie's suggestion it was changed to a games morning at the Golf Club. Twelve hardy souls turned up and there was even a game of Qwirkle played. It was good to see John Gates make it as he has been quite restricted with medical problems. There was the usual discussion of the meaning of life and solving the problems of the world. I'll suggest that we try for another picnic on the 5th Tuesday in October, ie 29 October. This can also celebrate Probus month.
A local Probus Club has a $2.50 event. A destination is picked that can be accessed with the Gold Opal card. It could be a new coffee shop in Camden or an Art show Strathfield. Quirky and on short notice. Any suggestions?
We will be away in July and I ask if anyone is interested in organising a Christmas in July? On checking the Carrington, it is booked out for July. The Fiddler in Rouse Hill does a function in July. Another site lists 8 places that offer Christmas in July is This will be on the agenda at the Committee Meeting.
The Fire Brigade Open Day was disappointing. Five of us turned up in the drizzle to see some of their equipment including a $1.8m ladder crane. There were no talks on batteries, smoke alarms, dryers etc.
The proposed trip to Bathurst/Mayfield Gardens will be discussed by the Committee and may be bought up at the General Meeting.
The club’s trip to Samoa with Waverton Probus and OnCourse Tours 27 July - 5 August is now organised.
SPEAKERS - report from Patrick
• May’s Speaker will be John Walsh who will talk about Mary Reibey and the Foundation of Australia.
• June’s Speaker will be Jeff Burgess whose subject is AI (Artificial Intelligence).
• Following our Members’ Survey last year we have covered, or will be covering, all your suggestions on talks ranging from authors to genealogy to AI. Another suggestion was ‘Bitcoin’ but, unfortunately we haven’t yet found a speaker for this. If anyone has a good contact on this subject, please let Patrick know.
MEMBERSHIP - report from Lynn M
Current membership 53 (34 women, 19 men).
Bring a Friend Day. This month, 21 May, the focus is on inviting a friend to come to our meeting. The bonus for you is that you do not pay for attending. Obviously we’d like to think that some of these friends would be interested in joining our Club – but of course we understand that is not always the case. Everyone is welcome.
And after the meeting you may like to stay with your friend for a bite of lunch and a chat.
Report from Penny filling in for Lindsay - the walk in the Botanic Gardens
Barbara , Ivan, Sandra , Deon,
Deborah , Carol , Doug and
Mary Ann , Louise , Jackie ,
Judy , Brenda , Annemarie ,
Robin , Lis, Mary , Penny
and Peter enjoying the gardens,
followed by a lovely lunch at The Palm Cove centre,
then on to The Calyx Glasshouse to see the very
interesting plant display.
If members are aware of another member who is not well or who would like to speak to someone for welfare support, please call Jackie M on 0412 836 997.
BIRTHDAYS: 1 May Jocelyn M and Maureen T, 5 May Jackie M, 16 May Kevin D.
Some pictures from Ivan’s Biennale outing.
Some reminders from Probus HQ
• Do look at the Probus South Pacific website and publications. Active Retirees and Community News often has interesting articles and good travel information and offers.
OUTINGS - Carole and Jocelyn
A reminder to all members still without their magic number. Please contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and organise a “number” for travel on the Community bus to be eligible to participate in future outings. When you have your details pass them on to Carole or Jocelyn.
Theatre - report from Mary Ann
Our trip to see & Juliet at the Lyric Theatre on the 19th June is drawing nearer. The Sydney Morning Herald recently advised that there will be a couple of cast changes starting from the very performance we have booked.
The Greatest Showman star, Keala Settle, will join the cast for the final performances of the show as Juliet’s nurse, Angélique. She will replace homegrown star Casey Donovan, who departs the show having nabbed the lead in Sister Act.
MOVIES - Peter W
This month’s film on 28 May is Golda which I am proposing that we see either at Roseville or Cremorne - I will take a vote at the next meeting to see which venue people prefer.
Golda stars Helen Mirren and is a thriller set during the tense 19 days of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, faced with the potential of Israel’s complete destruction, must navigate overwhelming odds, a sceptical cabinet and a complex relationship with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, with millions of lives in the balance. Her tough leadership and compassion would ultimately decide the fate of her nation and leave her with a controversial legacy around the world.
The other film that is next on my list is The Way, My way, which is a charming and captivating true story of a stubborn, self centred Australian man who decides to walk the 800 kilometres long Camino de Santiago pilgrimage through Spain. It is based on Bill Bennett’s best selling memoir of the same name. Details later.
REMINDER - Probus Tuesday monthly schedule
1st Tuesday outing
2nd Tuesday walk
3rd Tuesday committee meeting 9.15 am followed by general meeting 10.15 am
4th Tuesday movie
5th Tuesday picnic
Outing on Tuesday 4th June - Bundeena
Leader: Mary Ann I
Meet for coffee at Eternity Bar and Grill on the Concourse at Central Station at 9.30 am.
The train to Cronulla leaves platform 25 at 10.19am. We need to be in the front carriage if possible.
The train draws in to Cronulla at about 11.13am. We will then walk down to the wharf to catch the ferry to Bundeena. This will take 7 to 10 minutes. The ferry to Bundeena leaves at about 11.30am and will be $4.40 each way for seniors.
The ferry, “Curranulla”, is now the oldest commuter ferry in Australia, working to a regular timetable between Cronulla and Bundeena.
We will lunch at the RSL (now known as the Bundeena Community & Service Club) which is just a 5 minute walk from the wharf. There are wonderful views across Port Hacking to Cronulla and the club is renowned for great food.
Return ferries from Bundeena to Cronulla are either 2 pm or 3 pm depending on whether or not you would like to explore the area.
Things to see and do include walking along the beach, eating ice cream at the Gelato Factory, and enjoying a cuppa at one of the cafes overlooking the beach. You could also stay longer to enjoy a walk in the National Park.
I need to let the Club know how many will
be attending for lunch. So please see me at
the outings table at the meeting or let me
know by email.(
WALKS - report from Penny W (0424 719 246), standing in for Lindsay
Long Reef and Dee Why, Tuesday 11 June
Meet: 9.50 am and catch 160X bus from Stand A at the bus depot below Chatswood train station.
Arrives at Dee Why at 10.21 am. Change to the 199 bus. Leaves 10.30 am from the same stop. Arrive at Collaroy at 10.36 am. 4 min walk to Anzac Ave. Coffee: Little Italy coffee shop on Anzac Ave.
Walk: 2 hours, about 4km. From Anzac Ave we walk to Long Reef Headland. Fabulous views with possible hang gliders competing with the Sea Eagles. Maybe a whale sighting. Then on to Dee Why beach. We will follow the golf course on a boardwalk plus dirt track to the SLSC. Then onto the edge of Dee Why Lagoon. Views of the lagoon.From here on our return I am suggesting we may want to do a detour. We can either walk back along the beach or return on the track by the golf course, joining up with the track. The beach walking is quite tough on the legs. The walk is up gentle slopes, downhill and on the flat.
Lunch: 1.30 pm booking at Long Reef Golf club.
I need definite numbers for the golf club by Friday 7 June at the latest.
Tuesday 21 May, 9.15 am Committee meeting, Northbridge Golf Club
Tuesday 21 May, 10.15 am Probus meeting, Northbridge Golf Club
Tuesday 28 May, movie Golda. Venue and time to be announced at meeting.
Tuesday outing 4 June, Bundeena. 9.30 am coffee Eternity Bar & Grill, Central Station Concourse. Platform 25 for 10.19 am to Cronulla.
Tuesday walk, 11 June Long Reef and Dee Why. 9.50 am bus 160X Stand A, below Chatswood train station.
Wednesday 19 June “& Juliet”, 1 pm Lyric Theatre
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