One of my aims for my year is to have more activities. Here are several I'm suggesting.
You may recall our pleasant trip to Bundeena last year. There is an Art Trail walking tour on Sunday 6 October. See There is a map in this website. There are about 20 studios open on that day. I'd suggest the train from Central at 9.22 am to arrive at 11.00 am. We could return at our own leisure on the ferry at 3 or 4 pm. I'll ask for a show of hands at the Meeting. To get insurance cover, I will put to our Committee that this be an official Probus outing.
We saw the National Theatre Live film version of the play Prima Facie. It is very powerful and is not light entertainment. I'll suggest to Peter that he make this in an extra event.
October is Probus Month and I'm suggesting to Committee another picnic on 29 October, like last year. Another Club could be invited to join us. We should make a special effort not to feed the kookaburras.
Mary Ann as the Club's Ambassador attended the Probus Cluster meeting recently which was very positive. I will ask her to talk to the meeting about this.
The whole business of Transport Numbers has been a nightmare. Mary Ann has born the brunt of this and could write a book about it but that would trigger post traumatic stress. It is now nearly finalised except that Community Connect has been taken over which could cause problems. Hopefully it will be sorted before the Mt. Annan trip.
By being away for 6 weeks I’ve dropped the bundle on getting the Melbourne Cup and Xmas lunches organised. Can there be suggestions for the Melbourne Cup lunch on the North Shore? For the Xmas lunch Northbridge offers a lunch of turkey, ham etc for a main and Xmas pudding or trifle for dessert for $65.00 pp. An arrival drink would be $10 pp extra. Committee will discuss this option. AV is available for a slide show.
I will talk at the Meeting about a possible trip on the Metro to visit arty Sydenham. Page 1
SPEAKERS - report from Patrick
This month our Speaker is Christine Stewart, who bought an old building in Little Hartley a few years ago. During renovation, she discovered it was one of the oldest pubs in the Blue Mountains, originally called “The Golden Fleece” and later “Collit’s Inn” after the family who
ran it. This history captured Christine’s imagination and she subsequently published a book on her findings.
In October our Speaker will be Ruth Graham, CEO of the Society of Australian Genealogists. Her talk will focus on an Introduction to Family History.
BIRTHDAYS in September
1 Paul O, 17 Cynthia C and Douglas I, 18 Annemarie R, 20 Patrick W, 21 Anne P, 28 Peggy B, 29 Polly G.
MEMBERSHIP - report from Lyn M
Membership numbers are the same as last month, 53. We have 35 women and 18 men.
If members are aware of another member who is not well or who would like to speak to someone for welfare support, please call Jackie M on 0412 836 997.
MOVIES - report from Peter W
The movie selected for Tuesday 24 September at a time to be advised is Thelma. I am hoping that it will be on then at the Orpheum but if not I will find an alternative.
This film has good reviews. When 93 year old Thelma gets duped by a phone scammer pretending to be her grandson, she sets out on a quest across the city to reclaim what was taken away from her.
OUTINGS - Jocelyn & Carole
From our AGNSW guided tour
of the Archibald, Wynn &
Sulman exhibition on 3
1. Mt. Annan Australian Botanical Garden - Tuesday 1 October - enquiries Bill B 0478 601 738
NOTE: Closer to departure Bill will confirm details with all those who have booked and paid.
Advice from staff: “ There is a fair bit of walking at
PlantBank facility and Herbarium- about 800m return, and
very few seating options, 1.5 hours standing and walking; so
hope that suits the more frail members of your group. In my
experience some prefer to sit whilst other continue on and
collect them at end”
11:00am - 12.30 pm Tour of PlantBank. For information on
PlantBank click this link:
12:50pm Lunch at Cafe - individual choice of food and payment. For menu details click this link:
1:50pm Short self guided tour of Gardens.
� 2. Melbourne Cup Luncheon, under discussion with Northbridge Golf Club, Tuesday 5 November.
Details to come from Noreen. � �
WALKS - report from Lindsay
LAST WALK : On 10 September 16 of us set out from
Circular Quay to Birchgrove for the Birchgrove to
Balmain Walk. It was glorious weather and just the right
temperature. At the end we divided into 3 groups as
some didn't want to tackle the steeper streets. But most
of us ended up at the East Village Hotel for lunch.
NEXT WALK : Tuesday 8th of October Cremorne Point. 1 1/4 hours easy grade walk.
We will meet at Circular Quay prior to the departure of the 10.27am Ferry from Wharf 4 to Cremorne Point. We will have our coffee at Sophie's Place at Cremorne Wharf. From the wharf we turn left and walk past the bus stop. Past the bus stop we turn left to follow the path along the foreshore. It is an easy walk, well maintained path and a gentle undulating walk. The leads us to Bogata Ave and Hodgson Ave. We turn right and follow the road but we keep walking straight, which means climbing the stairs as we come to them. This will eventually bring us to the other side of the Cremorne Peninsula and we walk back to the wharf. From there we will catch the bus to Cremorne Junction. Buses leave the wharf at 13 minutes and 43 minutes past the hour. At Cremorne Junction we will have lunch at the Siborg Cafe. After lunch we can catch our respective buses home.
Penny and I will be away next month so Annemarie and Bill B will be leading the walk. Annemarie's number is 0413 014 283
REMINDER - Probus Tuesday monthly schedule
1st Tuesday outing
2nd Tuesday walk
3rd Tuesday committee meeting 9.15 am followed by general meeting 10.15 am
4th Tuesday movie
5th Tuesday possible picnic
Tuesday 24 September Cremorne Orpheum, THELMA, p.2. Details TBA
Tuesday 1 October Mt. Annan Australian Botanical Garden. Information p.3. Bill B will confirm bus details later.
Sunday 6 October Bundeena Maianbar Art Trail. Information p.1 Douglas Tuesday 8 October Cremorne Point walk. Details above, p.4
Tuesday 5 November Melbourne Cup lunch. Details TBA, Noreen Byrne
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