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Monday 30 August 2021

 Newsletter 349                                           July 2021 

President’s report:  I was looking forward to my first meeting with you as President of the Club.  However, I’m sure that will happen next month, or the one after, or . . . 

Your Committee had a very successful meeting this morning to look at ways to provide lots of opportunities for fun, friendship and fellowship once we can mix and mingle again. 

As well as the information regarding walks and outings in this newsletter, we discussed the possibility of overnight and longer trips away.  One suggestion was to visit Millthorpe, a heritage listed village in Central West NSW, which is part of the renowned Orange Wine Region and has beautiful gardens.  Another suggestion was to see a movie at the renowned Mt. Vic Flicks, stay the night in that area before visiting the Mayfield Gardens near Oberon.  Yet another suggestion was to visit Cowra and region with time spent at the Cowra Japanese Gardens.  It would be wonderful to be able to manage one ‘away’ trip each quarter.  This is definitely something to look forward to once this is possible. 

Douglas is looking into a club visit to Lord Howe Island.  He advised that bookings are very strong for the Island and we may not be able to make bookings before at least May 2022.  We can keep dreaming of an island visit in the meantime. 

Probus Day is to be held on 1st October this year.  There are 2 suggestions we have to celebrate this year:  1)Probus South Pacific has asked clubs to present a 2 minute video highlighting our activities.  It would be very difficult to get video footage before then, but we thought it might be possible to put several photos together into a presentation.  If you have any photos that would be suitable, could you send them to Noreen Byrne at  We are looking for photos of walks, outings, lunches, travel, and anything else that might be interesting.  Please label where the photos were taken. 2) We thought we would then hold our own “Probus Day” meeting on 19th October.  We will advertise this as an information day through local newsletters, libraries and any notice boards around the area.  On the day, we would have our usual meeting noting future walks, talks and outings, morning tea, and then a few members giving short talks on “What Probus means to me” rather than an outside speaker.  Any other suggestions will be gratefully received.                             

The Federal Government currently has grants available through their “Be Connected” program.  Take a look at  It is an Australia wide initiative empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world. There are online learning resources as well as a network of community partners—the Be Connected Network—who offer support so you can develop your digital skills and confidence.  One of these organisations, IT4retirees, has approached us to offer courses to our members.  I want to gauge interest before taking this idea any further.  So I will be sending a survey out to all members and ask you to indicate what, if any, areas you would like some help with. 

Stay safe and connected until we can meet again. 

Probus Walkers:   August walk.   Oriel has advised she is happy for Patrick to lead this walk if indeed that will be possible.   

Tuesday 10 August:  Meet at 10:00am on Loftus Street next to the Customs House. This is just behind Circular Quay and accessible by train, bus or ferry.  The walk will start with coffee at one of several cafes in the Macquarie Place Park precinct.  Given winter temperatures and possible showers, this month’s walk stays close to potential shelters!  It will be a stroll down memory lane starting in Bridge Street, working our way through parts of the Rocks and finishing with lunch at the Glenmore Hotel, 96 Cumberland St., where an area on the Rooftop (with shelter!) has been reserved at 12 midday.  

Probus Outings.  Covid has interrupted our program again.  This year we have only managed to have three outings which were:  Burley Griffin in Castlecrag, that was in February, then Museum of Fire in April, and Chau Chak Museum in May.  Two planned outings, Reserve Bank and HARS have been deferred to a later date.  In case you are wondering about March, it was not Covid but floods at Penrith that caused it to be deferred until April. 

Given the current situation with Covid we are not sure when an outing will be feasible but we are ready to act as soon as possible. 

Membership report:   Our membership remains unchanged at 52: 34 women and 18 men. 

Many happy returns of the day for your July birthday:  Oriel T 12, George T 13, Ann G 26 and Peter B 27. 

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